Saturday, 1 October 2022

Acorns and Conkers.

Autumn is beautiful up here. A time of acorns, conkers and russet hues as the leaves turn and shed.

The sun is shining here and it is mild. Today I went to the butcher and opticians. No new glasses or lenses despite a deterioration of my right eye.

Trying to describe this week. Emotionally challenging, long and exhausting but mainly been anxiety free. A week on from losing our beloved friend Kelly we are turning to each other. 

We all have dark forlorn thoughts. To mourn is human. I've seen too many deaths. This one has hit harder than any since my friend Tom lost his 6 old son.

If there is a god of any description or belief or creed, he, she or they tore us apart so cruelly. 

Many have taken comfort from the words I posted on social media. I have my words and my words have power. 

As the afternoon drifts on I must look after myself. I'm cooking moussaka which is a pain to put together and wash up but tastes great.

Take care in this a times cruel world. 

I Heard a Voice. 


  1. I don't believe in God either, so I empathize with you about that. Condolences on the loss of your friend.

  2. A God that is "good" wouldn't allow bad things to happen. That's why I'm an atheist. I do love hymn tunes but only because of the music. My opinion is: you don't have to be a believer to enjoy the melodies of hymns even if you don't believe in the lyrics.

  3. Mum's dementia is getting worse, I have long COVID, and there's a gun violence epidemic in the USA. It's all so heartbreaking, especially for a highly sensitive person like me. I read a lot of fiction to escape.
