Saturday, 15 January 2022

That Day is Coming.

Had she lived my mum would be turning 90 this coming Wednesday. Can it really be a decade since she died? It was something of a jolt that hit me when I realised and that we are all getting old 

My relationship with her was fraught much of my later life. She was difficult, angry and challenging much of the time but I try to remember how the children liked to see her as a governor of St Peter's primary school in Folkestone. Once a week I would drive her over there and we would teach the children to read.

19th January is always a day of reflection and asking what if. I tried to help as she deteriorated mentally and physically but she always thought she was right and I could do nothing for her.

Back in my little world it is a grey day. The winter sun that pervaded much of the week has given way to January greyness. So too the freezing temperatures. So cold in the week I couldn't even get the key in my car door.

I'm exactly two months into my new job. I'm still struggling with a lot but so are all the other new managers. So will get extra training. 

Covid has not helped as three of our team plus my manager have gone down with it and people are anxious. Hard to manage that.

That can wait though. I'm home now just relaxing. I double booked myself tonight so had to turn down a party invitation. Instead I will join my friend Zoe for her birthday. 

Steak coming up tonight then roast belly pork tomorrow. Enjoy your weekend everyone. 

I Heard a Voice. 

1 comment:

  1. My mother is difficult and I resent her for it. And dementia has made it worse.
    I don't believe in God, so praying about it is futile.
    I'm so upset about my Mum. Condolences to you about your Mum.
    Life can be sooooooooooo hard. So heartbreaking! ☹️😟😢😭💔
