Sunday, 25 November 2018

Slipping Backwards.

I guess it had to happen at some point. I knew I was in trouble when I couldn't get out of bed at what for me is a more sensible time. Turning over I slept another hour so was late getting started. Feeling on the back foot after yesterday's accident in the kitchen my anxiety is up and my mood is down. Not really depressed but after recent positive mood rating I suppose I had to slip back at some point. Let us hope it is only for a day.

Once again I've chosen Handel as my guide for the day. Some opera always goes down well. The paper is mainly read so I need to find something else to occupy my listless mind. Do I go for a drive in the country? Maybe after opera.

At some point I need to put the pork shoulder joint in to slow roast. But I can't summon up any energy to cook. All I managed at lunch time was to heat up a bowl of tinned soup. Not very adventurous is it?

Tomorrow I return to work. A full week lies ahead then a shorter one after that. There are only three weeks to go in this term. Finding it hard to motivate myself even for that short space of time. My diary lays unopened along with my e mail. That can wait.

If like me you are struggling with such thoughts and fears I wish you well. I usually come through such days. Just doesn't feel like it at the time.

I Heard a Voice.

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