Sunday, 6 March 2011

A Quiet Sunday.

Greetings from a cold but sunny Hertfordshire. Today is a day for relaxing. Mood quite good even if I am a little tired; time to just relax.

It has been week of voices from the past. I went down to Kent last weekend and saw an old Cambirdge friend-not seen her since 1989-God that was life time away, even before my illness. Spent a very pleasant evening in the pub passing away the last 20 years. Very much hope to do it again soon.

Then on Thursday another voice from the past appeared in my life; my friend from the Cayman Islands called. She moved away from the UK in 1998 and have only really had sporadic e mail contact in the last year or too. Sadly she was in Scotland and me here but we plan to meet in town next time she is over.

So what of the rest of the week? Nothing important to tell really, just another week. Had planned to go to the food Mecca that is Borough Market yesterday but sadly tiredness and a minor hangover led to a change of plan. Did manage to put together a fine beef bourguignon and then polished off the remaining claret. Today I turn my attention to my old favourite belly pork. Talking of which I almost forgot to put it in the oven! Nice slow roast and a leisurely dinner later.

More soon.

I Heard a Voice.

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