Tuesday, 13 April 2021

Triumph and Disaster.

The contrast in my life from yesterday to today has been starkly ridiculous. Last night I was on top of the world, a breeze through work, a wonderful massage from my friend Georgi and the pub finally open. I felt so good late last night. Then the morning came, sore throat, shivering and feeling freezing until mid afternoon despite it being 13 degrees outside. Devoid of energy I did not work, I have barely moved from the sofa and the plan to finally be rid of my stoned lockdown hair abandoned.

Such contrast is hard to take, triumph to disaster. However, despite not feeling well I don't have any anxiety today. That it continues to plague me is usually an irritant and sometimes a disability. But I must keep going a day at a time.

On happier days I've been doing lot outside of work. The offspring of my many friends and the tidal wave of mental ill health that has engulfed the youth of today have kept me occupied. I like helping my friends. It makes me feel useful. On the bad days I feel anything but useful. Today I'm no use to anyone, tomorrow let us hope this goes as swiftly as it came.

Away from all that plans are afoot now the restrictions are lifting. My friend Marie will visit on the late May Bank Holiday. I hope to visit dad in early June. And I've just had an invite to a grand country house for New Year. That is just an idea at this stage but would be good if I can overcome my reluctance to travel.

So the road ahead looks rosier. Just got to take day to day steps to get to these highlights. Have a good week everyone.

I Heard a Voice.  

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