An unusually cold but sunny April is moving inexorably on towards its finale. The bluebells are out in the woods. The blossom is on the trees. And it the sun it is still okay to sit and bask. But the nights are cold and heating still needed.
I seem to have neglected you all this month. No excuse just haven't had much to say. But much has happened. After nearly four months alone I can now see my friends. I ate outside a cafe yesterday for the first time. I can have a pint. I can shop. And I can exchange more than the few words in the shop that was the norm for so long.
That all feels good. As is my wont on a Sunday I'm listening to The Marriage of Figaro and The Sunday Times is nearly read. After the opera a walk through the woods to see the bluebells. Do I have pint after? Maybe. Not sure yet.
Tomorrow my working life begins again. The last ten days have been hard going. Not because of a student crisis. But more that there was a cyber attack that wiped out all our systems. I was metaphorically blinded, deafened and struck dumb. Somehow we are up and running again and I've caught up.
With pay day coming and another long weekend on the horizon I will just take it a day at time and work my way to my rest. On Bank Holiday Monday I will find a country pub garden to sit in for a while and contemplate what has been. What is to come I do not know.
Lamb shank will grace my table tonight. Marinated in rosemary, thyme and rapeseed oil I will slow roast it. I have fresh mint to make sauce, good potatoes to roast and local vegetables. It will actually be my second roast of the weekend. It had to be roast rib of beef on Friday for St George's Day. Sadly I overcooked it. That will teach me not to zoom and cook at the same time!
Have a great Sunday everyone.
I Heard a Voice.