Saturday, 17 February 2024

The Harbour's Edge.

It's grey, wet and cold down at the coast. I've escaped to Kent to see a friend. Living just a stone's throw from the harbour. It was beautiful out there last night as I stood at the harbour edge at low tide. Not so inviting today. 

I'm pretty good. Fatigue aside the last vestiges of the flu have gone.

My working life remains incredibly busy but I'm thriving. Half term next week so mainly working from home.

Soon spring will come. Flowers, green leaves, Jersey Royal potatoes, English asparagus. A plethora of joys await us when it warms up.

We are now in the Christian lent season. A time of abstinence and prayer. Not for me, the culinary decadence goes on. Did some beautiful roast pork on Thursday. Have some rabbit in the freezer. 

Tomorrow I journey home. Not going to be easy at King's Cross is closed until Wednesday. Trains are so unreliable at times.

Until next time. 

I Heard a Voice. 

Sunday, 11 February 2024

Back to the Fens.

My association with the fenland of East Anglia goes way back to 1978. 46 years in September. Back then I had just turned 9 as I went to boarding school to join the most famous choir in the world. 

Occasionally I wonder what life might have been like had I not taken that path. Even today people erroneously say to me you were sent away at 9. I actually chose to do it.

That decision altered all our lives. We are who we are today partly because of it.

This weekend I've been back in the fens. Yesterday lunchtime I passed through my beloved Cambridge and on to Ely. 

Seeing Miriam and Nigel for my annual Super Bowl pilgrimage has been great. Wonderful home cooking yesterday. Epic Sunday lunch at The Prince Albert today followed by a lovely walk around Ely. And the sun shone on the fens.

Sometimes a change of scenery is needed. I've certainly done that this weekend. 

Tonight I will witness another Super Bowl. Tomorrow I travel home. And Tuesday I go back to reality.

Until next time. 

I Heard a Voice. 

Sunday, 4 February 2024

Recovering One Day at a Time

Greetings on a grey but mild Sunday afternoon. I'm slowly recovering from the flu. Really just a cough and immense fatigue left now. Was so tired last night I was in bed by 11.15 pm and slept for 11 hours. 

The last couple of weeks have been a sharp reminder that however life appears to be going we are all vulnerable to microbes. If I'm honest I have not been so sick since having whooping cough in 2014.

I'm reminded too that the human immune system is very powerful but takes time.

The week was mainly okay. Two more days of study, rushing around between sites. Trying to fit everything in. And speaking to the big boss late on Friday afternoon. 

As for the weekend a bus trip to St Albans yesterday. Lovely lunch but all the shops seem to have shut down so nothing worth buying. 

Today brings Haydn opera, my book and later roast chicken. 

Mentally I'm pretty good. Just have to shake off this fatigue. 

Viewing figures on here have been healthy but it seems much of that is bot activity in Singapore. Why any bot would be interested in my musings I have no idea.

Next weekend I'm off to Miriam's. Yes the Super Bowl coming up once again. 

Have good week. 

I Heard a Voice.